You can use the following web form to request a building booking. Please use Event Bookings link to view current reservations and to check the building availability.

SLCFA Hall Fee Schedule

SLCFA building is available on a cost recovery basis. Preference will be given to SLCFA organized events and applications from SLCFA members when allocating the building.

SLCFA sponsored functions and events: No Charge (These are events approved by the Executive Committee as SLCFA sponsored events)


Private Events:
User Category Cost Recovery Fee Damage Deposit
SLCFA Members $100 (per day or less) $300
Non Members

(Application should be sponsored by a member)

$150 (per day or less) $300




Applicant Details
Enter applicant details.
Enter booking information.
Confirm Booking
Verify booking details.

Name of the Applicant(*)
Please enter the name of the applicant!

Are you a current SLCFA member?(*)
Please let us know whether you are a member!

Please enter the address!

Please enter the phone number!

Invalid Input

Please enter your email address!

Booking Date(*)
Please enter a booking date!

Start Time(*)
Please enter the anticipated start time.

Provide anticipated start times.

Finish Time(*)
Please enter the anticipated finish time!

Provide anticipated finish times.

Type of Function(*)

Please select the type of function!

Nature of the Function (*)
Please enter the nature of the function!

Briefly describe the activities being planned for this function.

Name of the sponsoring member
Invalid Input

If the Function is 'Private - Non Member' provide the name of the sponsoring member and his/her contact details.


Joomla SEF URLs by Artio

Membership Applications


If you are interested in becoming a member of SLCFA, or interested in renewing your membership, please mail the completed Membership Form along with the applicable fees to the SLCFA, to the attention of the Director of Membership. Admission fee will apply for late renewals.


Upcoming Events

13 Sep 2024
07:00PM - 11:30PM
First Friday Gathering
14 Sep 2024
10:00AM - 01:00PM
Birthday Party - Tania

Scholarship Application Form

To Apply for Academic Scholarships for Post-Secondary Studies awarded by the Sri Lanka Canada Friendship Association of Edmonton (SLCFA), please forward a completed copy of this form with copies of supporting documentation to: President, SLCFA, Cedars Professional Park, 2913 - 66 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.T6K 4C1.