“Failed plans should not be interpreted as a failed vision. Visions don't change, they are only refined. Plans rarely stay the same, and are scrapped or adjusted as needed. Be stubborn about the vision, but flexible with your plan.”

John C. Maxwell


Consistent with previous years, a number of events were planned by the SLCFA over the summer months. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, we were faced with the reality of having to move forward with these activities on a much smaller scale.




For the first time in the history of our association, to commemorate the Sinhala and Tamil New Year (the migration of the Meena Rashiya to Mesha Rashiya, which also marks the end of harvest and spring in Sri Lanka), we joined hands with the Sri Lanka Humanitarian Foundation of Canada (SLHFC) to hold Bak Maha Ulela 2015. The all-day event was held at the Sejong Multi Cultural Centre on May the 17th amidst a gathering of close to 300 adults and kids.




The function commenced with the lighting of the oil lamp by the presidents of the two associations and distinguished guests, and singing of the 2 National Anthems and brief addresses by the presidents of the 2 associations.



The AGM was held on February 1, 2015 at the association building. Members attending were on time and the meeting commenced without much delay.


The following EC was elected at the AGM:


President Chris Senaratne
Vice president Viraj De Silva
Secretary Priyantha Silva
Treasurer Lakshaman Samarasinghe
Director of Social and Cultural Activities Nelum Ranasinghe
Director of Membership and Welfare Gothamica Wickramasekara
Director of Publicity and Communications Sharmini Senaratne
Director of Cultural Affairs Himani Ferdinandis (subsequently unanimously elected by the EC)
Director of Fundraising Anthony Joseph
Past President Dilu Fernando


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Scholarship Application Form

To Apply for Academic Scholarships for Post-Secondary Studies awarded by the Sri Lanka Canada Friendship Association of Edmonton (SLCFA), please forward a completed copy of this form with copies of supporting documentation to: President, SLCFA, Cedars Professional Park, 2913 - 66 Street, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.T6K 4C1.